Scenes from KOT2

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We started shooting early so our pics would show the artwork, not just the crowds. Enjoy!

kot2_26  kot2_25  kot2_24  kot2_23

They say that variety is the spice of life. Well keep looking there was a lot of nice spice!

kot2_21   kot2_22   kot2_20   kot2_19

The show ran for about five hours this year instead of just three. This made for a much less manic environment and more relaxing for everyone. It also gave folks the opportunity to talk with the artists and really enjoy the work.

kot2_18   kot2_17   kot2_16   kot2_15

The hours worked out really well as we had a lot of folks show up early that preferred a mellower environment. Later in the evening things took on a more party atmosphere. Works for us!

kot2_14   kot2_13   kot2_12   kot2_11

kot2_10   kot2_9   kot2_8   kot2_7

The show continued outside with an interesting display of custom cars and bikes. Our pals next door at Pro-Image Garage kept their doors open late as well and invited friends with custom vehicles too.

kot2_6   kot2_5   kot2_4   kot2_3

kot2_2   kot2_1   wpid-img_20140912_204648_319.jpg   wpid-img_20140912_204655_322.jpg

Thanks to all our participating artists and our fans and friends for turning out for the show. Looking forward to next year!


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