Keep On Truckin’ 2014

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The show was great and the extended hours did exactly what we hoped it would do. We had a great turn out, but not the manic and overwhelming crowd that last year generated. Made for a nice event where it was easier to talk with folks and enjoy the artwork.

Got our webguy working on a photo gallery now, so check back in a couple days for a complete rundown.

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Keep on Trucking 2

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The Not-So-Top-Secret list of contributing artists is out and the date is set, so the only thing still up in the air is what time you are going to get here! You’re welcome to arrive early if you feel like pushing a broom around the shop or making a beer run. Just kidding… don’t arrive early.

The Date: September 12th, 2014

The Time: 5:00 – 10:00 pm

The Players: 

Questions? Hit us up:

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